Fiction is a multitude, like the demons. Here's the latest to the darkness that is writing imaginatively. The multitude includes contemporary best like Atwood, Barth, Barthelme, Borges, Byatt, Calvino, Cortazar, Cunningham, DeLillo, Fuentes, Garcia Marquez, Kafka, Kundera, and Le Guin, among others.


Kafka's manuscript on exhibit

This news comes from Pravda:

New Museum of Modern Literature opens in Marbach , Germany . There are more than 1,300 exhibits, including Friedrich Nietzsche's death mask and Franz Kafka's manuscript of "The Trial". Marbach is elected not by chance, it is native town of German writer Friedrich Schiller.

"The Museum of Modern Literature is a place of memory which will keep the choir of all the single voices alive," said German president Horst Koehler, according to remarks prepared for the evening opening ceremony. "And perhaps, if one listens carefully, one can hear something like a united voice of the nation's culture."
How is the manuscript of a great work different from another copy of the text? Where does the memory of greatness lie?


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